About 12228 W Thunderbird Road (unit 16)
Opportunity to acquire Four (4) commercial land parcels totalling ±.58 acres located in Downtown El Mirage. The parcels are located on the Northeast corner of W Thunderbird Rd and N El Mirage Rd a major East-West thoroughfare lined with residential neighborhoods. Includes parcels 501-27-031-A 5203
501-27-032-A--5,291 SF
501-27-033--7,369 SF
501-27-034---7,473 SF
Total land square footage 25,336 . The property is County zoned [C-C] The purpose of the CC zone is to designate areas for high intensity commercial and some light industrial activities within unincorporated community boundaries. The zone is intended to accommodate all commercial needs of the community, surrounding rural areas, and visitors. The subject property is located within close proximity to a major highway Phoenix-Wicke